Setting up Express Book

With Express Book, guests can simplify the booking process by choosing menu items and providing a payment method. This feature enables venues to either accept or decline the event request within a 24-hour timeframe.

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What is Express Book?

Express Book allows guests to submit a booking request for a specific space based on your availability, and then select menu items, agree to polices and submit a credit card to pay a deposit.

For more details, read our article How Express Book Works.

How to Set up Express Book

To set up Express Book navigate to Settings > Express Book and follow these steps:

1. Connect Stripe or Square (Required for Express Book)

2. Enable Spaces

3. Enable Menu Items

Step 1: Connect a Payment Processor 

Connecting Stipe or Square is required to use Express Book. You can connect a payment processor under Settings > Integrations. 

Step 2: Enable Spaces

Click the Enable Express Book checkbox to make the Space available for Express Book. This will allow guests to submit an Express Book request through that space's profile page.

You can view your Space profile page in Settings > Spaces and clicking the View Space Profile button on the Edit Space sidebar.


Step 3: Enable Menu Items

Go to Settings > Menu > Menu Items to enable Menu items to be available in Express Book. 

Click into the menu item you'd like to show and in the Edit Menu Item sidebar, check the "Show on Profile" checkbox.